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Controlling the central power supply via XML


 · G&D MultiPower-12-NT

Configuring the device's accesses for XML control

Use the web application 

Config Panel

 to define the »Remote Control« accesses and 

their settings.

How to set up a new access or edit an existing access:

1. In the directory tree, click on 



2. Click on the device you want to configure and then click on Configuration.

3. Click on the tab 



4. Go to 

Remote control


5. To create a new access, click on 




To edit an existing access, click on 



6. Enter or edit the following values:

7. Click on 




Controlling the device via XML is only possible via these accesses.


Select the protocol (


) or (


) to be used to process com-

munication via XML.


Enter the port to process XML communication.
Ports 80, 443 und 27996 are used for other services. They are 


 available for XML control.


Define whether the configured access should be 






The following types of encryption are supported:


Select the option 


 to transfer data without 

encryption (default).

Password encryption: 

Select the option 

Password: CBC-3DES

to transfer only login passwords encrypted. 

Transport encryption: 

Select the option 


 to encrypt 

the entire connection.


After activating an encryption method, enter the desired key 

(192 bit) as 48 hex digits.






 encryption also requires an initializa-

tion vector. Enter the initialization vector (64 bit) as 16 hex 


Содержание MultiPower-12-NT

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Страница 26: ...die Angabe des gew nschten Monitoring Wertes k nnen Sie die Auflistung zus tzlich eingeschr nken MultiPowerSwitch Zentrale Stromversorgung deren Power Out Buchse resettet wird outlet Nr der Power Out...

Страница 27: MultiPower NT name monitorName Temperature monitorName value 36 5 value alarm off alarm acknowledged no acknowledged item MultiPowerSwitch result root HINWEIS Neben dem Namen und Wert des jeweili...

Страница 28: ...60 50Hz 1 4 0 6 A redundante Stromversorgung Typ internes Netzteil Anschluss 1 Kaltger testecker IEC 320 C14 Stromaufnahme 100 240 VAC 60 50Hz 1 4 0 6 A Sonstige Schnittstellen Netzwerk 1 RJ45 Buchse...

Страница 29: ...Deutsch...

Страница 30: ...will not provide warranty for devices that Are not used as intended Are repaired or modified by unauthorized personnel Show severe external damages that was not reported on the receipt of goods Have b...

Страница 31: generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful inter ference to radio communications However there...

Страница 32: ...1 Configuring global network settings 12 Connecting the central power supply to the local network 12 Starting web application 13 Controlling the central power supply via XML 14 Structure of a valid XM...

Страница 33: ...que l appareil a t d branch de toutes les sources d alimentation D branchez toutes les fiches d alimentation et toutes les alimenta tions lectrique de l appareil Trennen Sie alle Spannungsversorgungen...

Страница 34: ...e this device with the provided G D power pack or with the power pack listed in the manual Operate the device only in designated areas The devices are designed for indoor use Avoid exposure to extreme...

Страница 35: ...not dispose of batteries in municipal waste Check local regulations for the disposal of electronic products ATTENTION Il y a danger d explosion s il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie Mettre au...

Страница 36: ...rface to monitor the central power supply By default the central power supply switches on all 12 power outlets You can also switch each Power Out socket separately via Config Panel SNMP or text based...

Страница 37: ...r outlet of another power circuit Startup 1 Switch on the power switch of the internal Main Power power pack 2 Switch on the power switch of the internal Red Power power pack NOTE The MultiPower 12 NT...

Страница 38: ...ight 4 Click on the Power out socket you want to switch Switching via SNMP How to switch a Power Out socket via SNMP Set the managed object outletStatus of the Power Out socket you want to switch via...

Страница 39: the status of the power supply If the power supply is interrupted the changer switches to pin 3 Main Power or pin 8 Red Power If the power supply is active the changer switches to pin 4 Main Powe...

Страница 40: ...the maximum load is exceeded one or two red LEDs light up Note If one or two red LEDs indicate that the temper ature within the device is too high make sure to cool the device Status Ready on Device i...

Страница 41: ...t off No voltage available at this output In case of an overload or a short circuit the output is disa bled but becomes active after 10 seconds Status 12VDC 800mA Power Out 2 Status 12VDC 800mA Power...

Страница 42: ...the network interface of any computer to the central power supply s Network interface 2 Make sure that the IP address of the computer s network interface is part of the subnet to which the IP address...

Страница 43: ...tor account s default password The default access data is Username Admin Password see login information on the label on the bottom of the device NOTE The default admin password for devices manufacture...

Страница 44: ...upply to the local network 1 Remove the twisted pair cabling between computer and the central power supply 2 Integrate the device into the local network Operating mode Enter the desired operating mode...

Страница 45: ...Login NOTE The separate manual provides information about system requirements the required configuration of the network interface at the MultiPower NT devices and the operation of the web application...

Страница 46: ...ecuted are placed between the start and end tag root The commands are described on page 21 Selecting devices The XML API lets you specify devices not only by their ID but also by their name Use the at...

Страница 47: a result tag The attribute type includes the name of the executed command When executing several commands within the same XML document see below you can assign the responses to different commands I...

Страница 48: ...upply are shown in different XML containers The following containers are used for this purpose Error messages are included in the container Error Warnings are included in the container Warning Success...

Страница 49: ...tion vector Password encryption In this mode only passwords of user accounts in XML responses of the G D device are encrypted For this a subset of the XML encryp tion see page 19 is used When using XM...

Страница 50: ...ccess Select the protocol TCP or UPD to be used to process com munication via XML Port Enter the port to process XML communication Ports 80 443 und 27996 are used for other services They are not avail...

Страница 51: ...04 xmlenc In this container the container CipherData is expected which in turn contains the container CipherValue The encrypted data block CipherValue consists of the combination of initialization vec...

Страница 52: ...e last byte of the padding to indicate the number of added fill bytes The fill bytes can be chosen randomly The initialization vector is required for stream ciphers here CBC It is randomly selected wh...

Страница 53: Switching off a Power Out socket requires the following parameters MultiPowerSwitch Central power supply whose Power Out socketis switched on outlet No of Power Out socket SWITCHING ON A POWER OUT...

Страница 54: ...ring values You can further restrict the list by specifying the desired monitoring value MultiPowerSwitch Central power supply whose Power Out socket is reset outlet No of Power Out socket ResetDelay...

Страница 55: MultiPower NT name monitorName Temperature monitorName value 36 5 value alarm off alarm acknowledged no acknowledged item MultiPowerSwitch result root NOTE In addition to the name and value of t...

Страница 56: ...0Hz 1 4 0 6 A Redundant power supply Type Internal power pack Connector 1 IEC plug IEC 320 C14 Power consumption 100 240 VAC 60 50Hz 1 4 0 6 A Other interfaces Network 1 RJ 45 socket Service 1 Mini US...

Страница 57: ...English...

Страница 58: ......

Страница 59: ...English...

Страница 60: ...bere Leimbach 9 57074 Siegen Germany www gdsys de sales gdsys de Das Handbuch wird fortlaufend aktualisiert und im Internet ver ffentlicht The manual is constantly updated and available on our website...
