MPCe/LPCe Users Manual
Supply Menu
Supply settings are MPCe/LPCe parameters that are specific to the supply one or supply two high voltage
sections. Each supply has its own menu. The supplies current voltage, current, pressure, and status are
displayed. Values are selectable via pull-down menus or edit buttons. When parameters are entered correctly,
press the OK button.
Pump Name
The user may change the default pump names (set to Supply 1 and Supply 2 by default) to a more useful
description by pressing the Pump Name button. The control characters of the keyboard are as follows:
<< Move the cursor to the left
>> Move the cursor to the right
BKS Backspace
SP Space character
SFT Shift key; Press to alternate between upper and lower case letters
Pump Size
This parameter is required prior to operation of a high voltage section. It is set by using the edit button. This
value is used to properly calculate pressure using a pressure to current calculation. The <- button is equal to a