SIM-FIB Module
The SIM-FIB Module provides the same features as the SIM-422 module with
exception to the hard wired connections. Both hardwired connections are replaced
with fiber optic connections. R1 and T1 replace the JP1 connector. R2 and T2
replace the JP2 connector
Printer Interface
A parallel printer interface is provided for use with the SN600-PTR printer. This
must be connected and on-line to prevent a printer trouble from being displayed.
The SmartNet control panel should be located in a clean and cool environment
(Consult the PC owners manual for details).
AC Connection
Remove the cover of the handy box on the rear of the SN600-PCxx and connect per
drawing A-M1094-1 in appendix B. Connect the A.C. power to a surge protection
device or U.P.S. (un-interuptable power supply).
: Consult PC manual for power requirements.
Wire Connections
The network interconnecting cable should consist of a shielded 4 conductor twisted
pair cable. Each pair may be individually shielded, or the two pairs may be enclosed
in a single shield. To assure reliable performance the following should apply:
Nominal Impedance
60 Ohms
Max. Capacitance - between pairs
15.5 pf/foot
Max. Capacitance - conductor to shield
28 pf/foot
Max. Wire Resistance
80 ohms/Km
Max. Shield Resistance
15 ohms/Km
Max. Wire Length
4000 feet
Fiber Connections
Provisions for using fiber optic cable are also available for the node connections.
Max. Fiber Length
1.2 Miles (2 Km)
Max. Fiber dB loss
7 dB (incl.. connectors)
: Feed and return wiring must be run in separate conduits..
: All wiring entering and leaving buildings must be wired through
surge protection devices.
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