7100 Series Installation/Operating Manual —
P/N 9000-0447:J 08/28/08
Basic System Module (BSM)
Optional Modules
3.7 Optional Modules
3.7.1 Class A Option Module (CAOM)
The Class A Option Module (CAOM) provides Class A signaling for the notification appliance
circuits and Class A, Style 6 or 7 signaling for the signaling line circuits. Style 7 wiring requires the
the M500X Isolator Module to be used on both sides of a device. It also provides a disconnect
switch for each signaling line circuit and a common disconnect switch for both notification
appliance circuits.
For information on wiring connections, refer to Table 3.7.2.
3.7.2 Municipal Circuit Option Module (MCOM)
The Municipal Circuit Option Module (MCOM) provides output for a local energy city master box,
releasing solenoid programmed via the FCP or CAMWORKS, or reversed polarity output for
leased line connection intended for connection to a polarity reversal circuit of a remote station
receiving unit having compatible ratings. Table 3.7.1 lists the MCOM ratings.
For information on wiring connections, refer to Table 3.7.2.
For a list of compatible solenoids, refer to the
Compatibility Addendum for Gamewell-FCI
Manuals, P/N 9000-0427
Master Box
Nominal voltage
24 VDC
24 VDC
24 VDC
Supervisory current .0018 amp
.012 amp
.0005 amp
Alarm current
.510 amp (max.)
.012 amp
.700 amp
Line resistance
35 ohms (max.)
2 ohms (max)
Trip coil resistance
14.5 ohms (max.)
Table 3.7.1 MCOM Ratings