Assisted Pull-Up
Step/climb to the overhang bars. Climb up to a comfortable rung, grip with hands
a little wider than shoulder width. Step up the ladder until your arms can reach
the angled section, position them in the up portion of the pull up with knees/legs
straight with feet resting on the step rung. Now, using the feet only as security,
try to lower your body slowly while bending the knees, trying to focus on letting
the arms do most of the work. Same thing on the pull-up portion. Use legs to
assist, but concentrate on arms and back to pull up. How much assist you use
your legs for is up to you, but challenge yourself. These assisted pull-ups will
progress into unassisted hanging pull-ups.
Calf Raise
Place the front of your feet on one of the lower rungs. Hold onto a rung with both
hands at a comfortable height. Raise and lower your body using your calves.
Repeat until you are tired.
Exercise Three: Sit-Up Bench
Sit on the bench, locking your legs into position with the top bar directly on
the back side of your bent knee and the bottom bar resting on top of your
feet. Then, slowly lie backwards and find a comfortable starting position.
Make any body adjustments necessary. Cross arms across your chest, placing
the palm of each hand in front of the opposite shoulder. Do not wrap your
hands behind your neck. Slowly crunch upward/forward and touch elbows to
knees and slowly lower back down. Repeat 5-10 times.
Negative Crunch
If you cannot crunch upward, very slowly lower yourself down to a position
from which you can comortably pull your body weight back to the sit-up
position. This is a ‘negative’ contraction and will build strength to progress
into a positive contraction. Repeat 5-10 times.
THRIVE Workouts