Gallagher 3E4345 MB1000i MB1800i MB2800i Energizer User Manual
Earth System Voltage and Alarm
View the earth system performance by pressing the naviga on bu ons (< or >) while
the energizer is opera ng un l the zone indica on arrow (
) is highligh ng the
earth zone ( ). The earth voltage will be displayed if a reference earth stake is
installed. If there is no reference earth it will display 0.0KV. If the earth voltage rises
above the earth alarm level (default 0.5KV) the status LED will fl ash red, the earth
zone indicator will be highlighted and the internal buzzer will sound on the energizer.
The buzzer can be muted by pressing any key on the controller.
Adjus ng / Turning Off Alarms
(p.15) to adjust or turn off the earth system alarm.
Tes ng the earth system
Turn the energizer off . At least 40m (130 ) along the fence line drive a steel
stake into damp soil and connect it to the fence wire.
Turn the energizer on and wait 30 seconds. Check the earth system voltage
using the naviga on keys. The earth voltage should be 0.2 – 0.3KV or less. If
it is higher add earth stakes un l 0.2-0.3KV is achieved. In dry condi ons or
areas with low mineral content soil an earth return system may be required as
described in the Gallagher Power Fence™ Manual or visit www.gallagher.com.
Quick Reference
Descrip on
Solu on
Normal ac ve zone
Record zone current and voltage as a reference
Flashing zone.
Current alarm
Current is too high. Reduce the loading on your
fence by fi xing faults or increase the current
alarm level.
Reverse icon.
Voltage alarm
Voltage is too low and may not be an eff ec ve
deterrent. Immediately fi nd the fault on the
Flashing reverse
icon. Current and
Voltage Alarm
The voltage is too low and may not be an
eff ec ve deterrent. The current is above the
alarm limit represen ng more power loss.
A card is included with your energizer to allow you to record fence voltage and
current. Do this when your fence is opera ng well and store the card by the
energizer. This will greatly assist with fault fi nding.