Galeb GP-200
User Manual
Page 32
10. Device settings
To set the device peripherals, used Menu 3. In this Menu, you can
configure the keyboard key sound, printer speed, measure external
power supply, get the GPRS status and so on.
Any time when you are in this menu or any sub-menus, you can adjust
print settings of the current situation using CARD button.
10.1 Keyboard settings
The first sub-menu allows setting the keyboard sound.
By entering this sub-menu (TOTAL button), you can select the
keyboard sound, i.e. whether the use of the key followed by a short
sound or not. By choosing the value YES or NO (navigation key) is
performed on / off this option.
10.2 Printer settings
In this menu can perform all the necessary settings for the thermal
printer device.
The user is able to adjust the speed of
printing (from 0 to 5), Footer (footer length -
part of the paper that comes out at the end
of each printout, from 1 to 8), the strength
of printing (intensity of 1 to 5) Roll speed (the speed of rewinder (roll)),
from 0 to 8.
By entering the sub-menu, using TOTAL key, allows you to adjust the
speed of printing. Print speed values range from 0 to 5, where a higher
number indicates a higher frame rate. Selection by pressing the speed
from 1 to 5 on the keyboard or using roll key. Confirm the selected value
of the TOTAL key.
The same procedure is for each sub-menu.
Checking current settings can do using CARD button.