Galeb GP-200
User Manual
Page 17
If you want to make discount, you must be in sale mode,
and you need to press the Shift key and 8. After that, enter
the appropriate percentage or value, and if the
confirmation is done at PLU, then the DSC for the last item
sold. While if confirmation is done in key SUB, then the
next item to be sold with this DSC. If you use the key
combination, Shift + PLU, after entering a value or %, then
the DSC run on the entire fiscal receipt.
If you want to make surcharge, you must be in sale mode,
and then you need to press the Shift key and 9. After that,
enter the appropriate percentage or value, and if the
confirmation is done at PLU, then the SRC for the last item
sold. While if confirmation is done in key SUB, then the
next item to be sold with this SRC. Shift + PLU, after
entering a value or %, then the SRC run on the entire fiscal
If you reach the maximum value of total turnover then a message
Do the Daily Report!
, after which they cann ot continue to sell
records, but only conclude the current account and making Daily Report.