Gait Up SA
EPFL Innovation Park, Bat C. CH-1015 Lausanne
TVA CHE-145.136.760
User guide PhysiRun Lab - v1.1.1 Date: 06.05.2019
Copyright © 2018-2019, All Rights Reserved - Gait Up SA. CH-1015 Switzerland
Once the software is running, complete all user information (name, gender, height, weight,
In “Report format” you can choose from different result files you want to obtain (pdf,
excel file, csv file).
In the PDF format there are three pages:
Excel and csv format give the cycle-by-cycle calculation for each parameter:
To generate these reports, select your files (saved before on your computer in the same
folder). You can drag and drop your files on the main page (both files at the same time). If
you select the files with the button
“Select” use “CTRL” to take the two files [LF and RF].
NOTE: You can also analyse 1 foot, however stiffness, asymmetry and flight time are not