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S u p p l y i n g s t e a m / P r e p a r i n g
Steam can be used to froth the milk for cappuc-
cinos and also to heat beverages.
Scalding hazard! Splashing
may occur at the start – scalding ha-
zard! The hot water nozzle and pipe
can reach high temperatures: avoid touching
it directly with your hands.
Milk frother version:
1 With the machine ready to deliver coffee,
convey the pipe over the drip tray (12),
open the “Hot water/steam” tap knob (25)
for a few seconds so to let the remaining
water come out of the steam pipe; after a
few seconds only steam will come out.
2 Close the steam/hot water tap knob (25).
3 Make espresso (in a large cups) as described
4 Fill 1/3 of the container to be used to prepare
the cappuccino with cold milk.
To obtain a better cappuc-
cino, the milk and the cup must be cold.
5 Immerse the steam pipe into the milk to be
heated and open the tap knob (25); turn the
container slowly from downwards to upwar-
ds so to obtain a smooth foam (Fig. 03).
Dispensing should not exceed 60 se-
6 After using the steam for the desired time
close the tap knob (25).
7 The same system can be used to heat up
other beverages.
8 After this operation clean the steam pipe with
a wet cloth.
How to use coffee wafers
Make sure you use the right filter (30) when making
espresso with coffee wafers.
Once the coffee machine is heated, remove the
portafilter (9) and put in the wafer. Make sure
that the wafer paper remains completely inside
the portafilter.
Insert the portafilter into the coffee machine by
rotating it 45° to the left.
Then lock the portafilter into place by rotating it to
the right. The portafilter handle should be perpen-
dicular to the front of the machine or rotated
slightly to the right.
Then follow steps 5 to 7 of “
Coffee prepa-
“Perfect crema” Filter (13)
Even when the coffee is not properly ground,
the “
perfect cream filter
” will help produ-
ce the foamy ‘cream’ typical of fine espresso.
You can use the “
perfect cream filter
” with
a single or double dose of ground coffee by
using the special measuring scoop.
To ensure perfect performance, clean your
perfect cream filter
” every day prior to
use. Should your “
perfect cream filter
become clogged, immerse it for a few seconds
in boiling water.