Pitch Diameter Gage Operation Manual
Models MRP 1500/2500/3500
Copyright © 2018 Gagemaker. All rights reserved
Zeroing the MRP Gage for External Measurements Using the MIC TRAC
30. Turn the indicator dial on the MRP gage to
align the needle with zero.
31. Tighten the indicator clamp.
Note the position of the small revolution
counter on the indicator before removing
the gage. Place a piece of masking tape on
the backside of the indicator and record the
dial setting of the small revolution counter
to eliminate incorrect indicator readings.
32. Remove the gage from the taper blocks.
33. Set a frequency for verifying the zero setting of
all gages. As a minimum, the MRP gage should
be zeroed on a standard once during each shift
to ensure accurate readings.