A flickering green light is visible
inside the viewfinder when sound
is being recorded while the
camera is running*. When the
sound source is too weak, the
green light will not appear, while
it will stay on without flickering if
the sound is too loud or when
there is too much background
The camera can be started and
stopped by operating the On/Off
switch on the microphone. This
allows the camera operator to be
in the picture without using film
while he gets there. It also permits
fil ming and interviewing by one
To use the microphone as a remote
control: Place camera on tripod,
aim it at the subject. Plug in micro-
phone and slide switch on
microphone to "Off" Focus. Close
viewfinder by turning light-stop
knob to the left. Depress shutter
"The flickering green light appears only
when the camera is loaded with sound
fil m, the microphone is plugged in, and the
electric eye battery is good (as it also
powers the sound system).
release and lock it. Take your
place in the scene and start
camera by sliding microphone
switch to "On". Camera will keep
running and sound will be
recorded until mike is switched
Sound movies may be edited as
silent movies, with some restric-
tions. The sound recording for
each frame precedes the image by
18 frames. As a result, the film
cannot be cut at just any point:
entire scenes must be cut out and
spliced together. To provide room
for cutting, without transferring
sounds to the wrong scene, run
the camera for about two seconds
before starting to record sound
for the scene and stop recording
about two seconds before the
camera is stopped after the scene.
These gaps will permit editing
without cutting away portions of
the sound.
The flickering recording signal in
the viewfinder shows that sound is
being recorded.
With the earphone
plugged into the monitor outlet
of the camera it is possible to
hear the sound being recorded
while it is being recorded. This
allows the operator to constantly
check (and correct at the source,
if necessary) the recorded sound.
This valuable feature permits the
operator to check and adjust the
sound before filming begins. It
can save a lot of film: the camera
does not have to be started until
microphone placement and sound
source have been checked and
found satisfactory.
To check the recording signal
without running the camera,
position microphone near sound
source, turned toward it, look into
viewfinder and depress monitor
button (same as electric eye tester
button, "A" in
flickering green light will appear
and continue to flicker as long as
the monitor button is held
depressed and sound of satis-
factory level reaches the