Governors America Corp. © 2021 Copyright All Rights Reserved
ESD5500E Series Speed Control Unit 2-2021-F2 PIB1002
Start the engine and maintain at an idle speed for a period of time
prior to accelerating to the operating speed. This method separates
the starting process so that each may be optimized for the lowest
smoke emissions.
1. Replace the connection between Terminals M & G with a tog-
gle switch or a normally open water jacket temperature switch.
Other optical switch combinations can be used.
2. Start the engine.
3. If the starting smoke is excessive, the STARTING FUEL may
need to be adjusted slightly CCW.
4. If the starting time is too long, the STARTING FUEL may need
to be adjusted slightly CW.
5. When the switch opens, adjust the SPEED RAMPING for the
least amount of smoke when accelerating from idle speed to
rated speed.
One of two methods of operation for the ESD5500E may be selected: Operating Speed or Idle.
metHoD 1 - oPeratInG SPeeD
Start the engine and accelerate directly to the operating speed (Gen-
erator Sets, etc.).
metHoD 2 - IDLe SPeeD
1. Remove the connection between Terminals M and G.
2. Start the engine and adjust the SPEED RAMPING for the least
smoke on acceleration from idle to rated speed.
3. If the starting time is too long, the STARTING FUEL may need to
be adjusted slightly clockwise (CW).
full ccW = fastest
full cW = maX fuel
The engine’s exhaust smoke at start-up can be minimized by complet-
ing the following adjustments:
1. Place the engine in idle by connecting Terminals M and G.
2. Adjust the IDLE speed for as low a speed setting as the appli-
cation allows. Idle speed must be set for proper start fuel and
speed ramping function, even if the idle feature is not used.
3. Adjust the STARTING FUEL CCW until the engine speed begins
to fall. Increase the STARTING FUEL slightly so that the idle
speed is returned to the desired level.
4. Stop the engine.