Multi-point locks electrically couplable or with monitoring contacts
Installation instructions
SECURY 19 EK | 19 EK EVP | 19 S | 19 S EVP
04.2016 | G31347 | Designed in Germany
The SECURY 1970 EVP and 1916 S EVP multi-point locks (EVP = electrically
locking ) correspond with the SECURY 1970 (Chap. 2.3.1) and 1916 S
(Chap. 2.3.3) multi-point locks, but are equipped with an additional latch.
This additional latch is not retracted when the lever handle and/or profi le
cylinder is actuated. In combination with an escape door control unit and
an escape door strike (escape door strike type B 5465), it is used for escape
route security.
When the door in the escape direction (panic side) is actuated, the escape
door strike holds the door closed using the additional latch until it is
released by a signal from the escape door control unit. The door can be
released using the key switch on the escape door control unit or, in case of
an alarm, using the emergency switch.
Through the cylinder cam monitoring, a short-term release of the escape
door is possible in case of a corresponding connection.
EN 179
EN 1125
2.3.4 SECURY 1970 EVP / 1916 S EVP