Night time settings
Repeat all 6 settings we explained for day time now you can give the
night time values of the fan. After you have gone through the 6 night time
settings in the menu, you can set the negative pressure setting.
Negative pressure settings
The negative pressure decreases the speed of the intake air fan.
Example: at -20% is the intake air fan running 20% slower as the exhaust air
fan. At -0% they have both the same speed.
Change the value with pushing the knob. Proceed to the next setting
light sensor switch level.
Light sensor level
You see the alternate blinking of sun and moon segments. Push the
knob to change the switch level value between day and night time. The
lower the value, as less light it needs to change from day to night time mode.
Maximum speed setting day time. Here you can choose the maximum
speed setting of the ventilator which never should be exceeded. On the top
left side you can see the actual missing empty segments each is 10% fan
speed. Change the settings again pushing the knob as described above.
Manual AC-EC LCD fan controller 2x5A