Rotate the Parameter knob to select different parameters, and adjust the parameter values. This control also
has a switch built into it. By pressing the top of the Parameter knob, you can jump between selecting a
parameter, to adjusting that parameter's value.
Be aware when you press the parameter knob, to press down without rotating your finger to prevent values
from changing unintentionally.
The top line of the display will show the current parameter's name. When the parameter name is underlined,
moving the parameter knob will select a different parameter. Otherwise, the parameter knob can be used to
adjust the parameter value shown underlined.
If the Parameter knob is moved too quickly, you may find parameter values may adjust slightly different than
you expected. There are some limitations to how quickly this encoder can be read properly. After a little time
with the unit, you will have a better idea of how quick is too quick for proper readings.
The function of these switches will change depending on what parameter is currently active. Please refer to
each parameter function to understand what these switches do.
The LED on the front panel will blink like a metronome at quarter note intervals when the Rhythm pattern is
blank. Once data has been entered into Rhythm pattern, this LED will then blink each time the sequencer
plays a new note, and a Trigger out is generated.
When the top line parameter name is underlined, you will be selecting the parameter page. In addition to using
the Parameter knob to adjust the parameter selection, you can also use Switch A(-), and Switch B(+) to
quickly jump through the menu.
The menu is laid out with the Global parameters first, followed by the Rhythm, CV1, and CV2 part
parameters. Since the Rhythm, CV1, and CV2 parts all have similar functions, pressing Switch B(+) will jump
to the same parameter for the next higher part. If any of the Global parameter pages are the current selection,
pressing Switch B(+) will select the Rhythm part’s pattern A.
Pressing Switch A(-) will jump to the same parameter for the next lower part.
If any of the Rhythm parameter pages are currently selected and you press Switch A(-), you will then enter
one of the Global parameters.
If any of the the Global parameter pages are currently selected and you press the Switch A(-), you will then
jump to the Playback (or first) parameter page.
When used in conjuntion with the Parameter knob, you should be able to navigate to any parameter page
desired with minimal steps.