Sync the TRAX playback to your DAW, and use the MIDI BUS to send TRAX MIDI data to your
DAW to record your sequences and/or performances. You can then further edit these sequences, and save
them on your computer.
Better yet, try recording multiple sequences or performances from the TRAX into seperate MIDI tracks in
your DAW. Assign each track to a unique MIDI channel 1-16. Set the TRAX to MIDI to CV mode, then start
playback of your DAW. Since you can change the MIDI to CV channel on the fly, this allows you to choose
from any of the 16 tracks in the DAW you have recorded. You can use this method for different parts of a
song, or simply to edit or remix bits from each sequence into something new.
MIDI note values can range from 0-127. Since the CV parts only generates values in the range of 0-63, the
MIDI Offset parameter allows you to shift or transpose this range to something more suitable for the MIDI
module you are controlling. This Offset parameter will default to 36.
The Offset value can be adjusted using the Parameter knob, Switch A(-) or Switch B(+). Pressing the TAP
switch will reset the Offset value back to 36.
The TRAX has a built in screensaver to extend the life of the display and help prevent image burn. The
screensaver will turn on by default after 5 minutes or more of inactivity.
This mode allows you to set the sleep time to either 5, 10, 20, 30, or 60 minutes, or simply turn this function
OFF. This parameter defaults to 5 minutes.
The Sleep Time can be adjusted using the Parameter knob, or Switch A(-) or Switch B(+).
To wake the unit from the screensaver, simply press any of the switches.