00078079.DOC, Version 1.0
Rotating gobo index with 16-bit resolution
255 00 FF 0% 100%
F Fine indexing
12 12 13
Static gobo-wheel, gobo shake
13 00 0D 0%
S Open
27 0E 1B 5%
S Gobo 1
41 1C 29 11% 16%
S Gobo 2
55 2A 37 16% 22%
S Gobo 3
69 38 45 22% 27%
S Gobo 4
83 46 53 27% 33%
S Gobo 5
97 54 61 33% 38%
S Gobo 6
98 111 62 6F 38% 44%
S Gobo 7
112 127 70 7F 44% 50%
F Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
128 143 80 8F 50% 56%
F Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
144 159 90 9F 56% 62%
F Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
160 175 A0 AF 63% 69%
F Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
176 191 B0 BF 69% 75%
F Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
192 207 C0 CF 75% 81%
F Gobo 6 shake with increasing speed
208 223 D0 DF 82% 87%
F Gobo 7 shake with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100%
F Cont. gobo-wheel rotation with increasing speed
13 13 14
Rotating 3-facet prism, Prism/Gobo macros:
63 00 3F 0%
S Open
64 127 40 7F 25% 50%
S Rotating Prism
128 135 80 87 50% 53%
S Macro 1
136 143 88 8F 53% 56%
S Macro 2
144 151 90 97 56% 59%
S Macro 3
152 159 98 9F 60% 62%
S Macro 4
160 167 A0 A7 63% 65%
S Macro 5
168 175 A8 AF 66% 69%
S Macro 6
176 183 B0 B7 69% 72%
S Macro 7
184 191 B8 BF 72% 75%
S Macro 8
192 199 C0 C7 75% 78%
S Macro 9
200 207 C8 CF 78% 81%
S Macro 10
208 215 D0 D7 82% 84%
S Macro 11
216 223 D8 DF 85% 87%
S Macro 12
224 231 E0 E7 88% 91%
S Macro 13
232 239 E8 EF 91% 94%
S Macro 14
240 247 F0 F7 94% 97%
S Macro 15
248 255 F8 FF 97% 100% S Macro 16
14 14 15
Rotating prism index, prism rotation
127 00 7F 0%
F Prism indexing
128 189 80 BD 50% 74%
F Forwards prism rotation with decreasing speed
190 193 BE C1 75% 76%
S No rotation
194 255 C2 FF 76% 100%
F Backwards prism rotation with increasing speed