© Fusion Sport Pty Ltd, 2011, All Rights Reserved
Manual Start by Hand Plunger
When using the manual start function, connect the hand start plunger provided to the INPUT PS2 port. When
the system is ready, the message “Waiting for SMARTSTART response” will appear on the PDA screen. Push the
hand start plunger to start the buzzer and timing for the event.
In the case of an athlete false starting, tap the hand plunger twice in quick succession, and the event will be
voided and the system reset. When the athletes are ready, press the plunger to start the trial again.
If the plunger option is not selected on the options tab, the drill will be started after pressing GO, within the
time delay period set in the “random start period” settings, as can been seen on the above options tab screen
In this scenario, SMARTSTART can be used as a standalone wireless RFID reader, as a replacement for
Notes for setup
Applicable protocols
All except pacing
Hardware options
No external hardware required
Number of
One required per lane, for up to 8 lanes
SCAN Page Selection
Test Track Action
Not applicable
RFID config page
(pictured right)
Associate each RFID reader with the correct
track. Press “Buzzer” button to identify unit, and
place it at the start of the correct track
Options Tab
Not applicable
Session mode
Choose RFID session mode in bottom left corner
of screen
With your SMARTSPEED drill running in RFID mode, after pressing GO on the PDA, the first light unit in each
lane will begin to flash a green rotating light. This indicates that the SMARTSTART units are ready to receive an
RFID wrist band. One athlete in each lane must place their band against the front of the SMARTSTART unit, and
upon a successful scan the SMARTSTART will beep, and the green light will disappear from the next flashing
unit. When all lanes have been registered successfully, the drill will begin. For more detailed information on
the use of RFID, please consult the SMARTSCAN user manual on the Fusion Sport website support area.
The chute protocol is used for single or multiple lane timing of longer events, whereby multiple athletes can
finish through one gate, and sign out of the drill using SMARTSCAN RFID bands. For more information, please
read the SMARTSPEED Advanced Protocol Guide in the support area of our website.
SMARTSTART can be used instead of a gate with SMARTSCAN attached, as the RFID station in each chute. Thus
the athlete finishes through one gate, and then swipes their RFID band at the corresponding SMARTSTART unit
to collect their finish time.
Furhermore, you can also have a SMARTSTART at the start line, simply to act as a starting gun/buzzer. This will
require an additional SMARTSTART to the ones used for RFID.