5.11.2 Selecting the number of dots and past position plot
1. Press [PLOT MENU], [0] to show the ARPA 2 menu.
2. Press the [4] key to select HISTORY POINTS.
3. Further press the [4] key to select a desired number of past positions (5, 10 or 20).
4. Press the [ENTER] key to confirm your selection.
5. Press the [5] key to select HISTORY INTERVAL.
6. Further press the [5] key to select a desired past position plot interval (0.5, 1, 2, 3 or 6
7. Press the [ENTER] key to conclude your selection.
8. Press the [PLOT MENU] key to close the menu.
5.12 Set and Drift (Set and Rate)
Set, the direction in which a water current flows, can be manually entered in 0.1-degree
steps. Drift, in another word Rate, the speed of tide, can also be entered manually, in 0.1
knot steps. Set and drift corrections are beneficial for increasing the accuracy of vectors
and target data. The correction is best made in the head-up mode with true vectors, watching
landmasses, or other stationary targets. Thus, the speed and course of own ship over the
ground are reciprocally calculated and compared with the relative bearing and range to
the reference target to produce a Set and Drift. These values are automatically applied to
all targets. If stationary targets have vectors, set and drift values should be adjusted until
they lose their vectors.
To enter set and drift (rate):
1. Press the [RADAR MENU] key to show the FUNCTIONS 1 menu.
2. Press the [0] key to show the FUNCTIONS 2 menu.
3. Press the [7] key to select SET, DRIFT.
4. Further press the [7] key to select OFF or MAN.
OFF: No correction against set and drift.
MAN: Manual entry of set and drift data.
5. If OFF is selected at step 4 above, press the [ENTER] key.
6. If you selected MAN in step 4 above, the highlight cursor will advance to the right
requesting you to enter SET 000.0
. Enter the value of set in degrees by hitting nu-
meric keys without omitting leading zeroes, if any, and press the [ENTER] key.
The highlight cursor will then advance to the next line DRIFT 00.0KT. Enter the value of
drift in knots by hitting numeric keys without omitting leading zeroes, if any, and press
the ENTER key. Set and drift have the same effect on own ship and all targets.