A Word to the Owner of the FM-4721
FURUNO Electric Company thanks you for purchasing the FM-4721 Marine VHF Radiotelephone.
We are confident you will discover why the FURUNO name has become synonymous with quality
and reliability.
For over 60 years FURUNO Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for quality and
reliability throughout the world. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our extensive global
network of agents and dealers.
Your equipment is designed and constructed to meet the rigorous demands of the marine envi-
ronment. However, no machine can perform its intended function unless properly installed and
maintained. Please carefully read and follow the operation, installation and maintenance proce-
dures set forth in this manual.
We would appreciate feedback from you, the end-user, about whether we are achieving our pur-
Thank you for considering and purchasing FURUNO.
The FURUNO FM-4721 is a Marine VHF Radiotelephone designed for use in the frequency range
of 156.025 to 163.275 MHz. The FM-4721 can be powered with 10.8 to 15.6 VDC power and has
a switchable RF output power of 1 Watt or 25 Watts.
The FM-4721 operates on all currently allocated marine channels. Channels are switchable for
use with USA, International, or Canadian regulations. Emergency CH16 can be immediately se-
lected by pressing the
key. NOAA weather channels (where available) can also be accessed
immediately by pressing the
The FM-4721 incorporates DSC (Digital Selective Calling) Class D facilities that comply with ITU-
R M.493-12 (DSC Class D). Class D operation provides continuous watch on DSC CH70 even if
the radio is receiving a call.
The main features are
• Class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling) with Distress, Individual and All Ship calls
• Navigation information (LAT/LON, SOG, COG) shown on the display*
• Navigate to a DSC Distress Position*
• Automatic DSC Position Poll request to up to four separate vessels
• Menu system with user-programmable soft keys
• Dedicated channel 70 receiver for continuous DSC watch
• Submersible IPX-7 rating (1 meter for 30 minutes)
• 30 Watt PA/Loudhailer (option) with pre-programmed fog signals and listenback facility
• ClearVoice noise-cancelling microphone with channel selector and
• Handset HS-4721 can operate as a remote station
• Intercom facility between Handset and Radio
• Optional Bluetooth Adapter Unit enables communication with bluetooth devices
• Optional Voice Scrambler provides secure communications with other so equipped FM-4721
*: Requires external GPS navigator. | [email protected]