ATR833 / P/N 833-(1xx)-(1xx)
Operation and Installation
2.9.1 Transfer of the general frequency database
The general frequency database can be updated with "start of
transmission “. This overwrites the existing database..
The database file is a text file with fixed sized columns. The frequency
names shall never exceed the length of 8 characters. Blanks and
numbers are permitted. Frequency name and frequency are separated
by a blank.
After selecting “Start Transmission” the selection of the input file is
requested. After selection of the corresponding file and confirmation the
file transfer starts. The progress can be monitored on the ATR833
While the transfer of the general database is only possible in one
direction (PC
ATR833), the user-defined frequency list of the ATR833
can be downloaded and uploaded (after modification) again.
Dokument-Nr.: 01.1402.010.71e / Revision: 1.01