TRT800 / P/N 800ATC-(200)-(200)
Operation and Installation
Document-No: 03.2102.010.71e / Revision: 2.02
2.4 Flight-ID
The FID is an identifier required by Mode-S Operation. During future
application of flight plans a FID could be assigned on a per flight basis. If
no FID is assigned (today’s normal case) the registration marking of the
aircraft should be used as FID. The FID should not contain dashes or
blanks. The FID must not be confused with the 24-bit Aircraft Address.
2.4.1 Display
(repeatedly) until „STBY“ appears
Press and hold ; while a counter is shown beside the active squawk,
release at values between 1 and 4
The lower line contains the 24bit address (AA) and the aircraft category
(AC), marked by a line above the numbers as well as the Flight-ID (FID)
without any line above the numbers (“^”=cursor):
digits 1 to 6: ICAO 24-bit Aircraft Address (AA, HEX-format)
digits 7 to 8: Aircraft Category (AC)
digit 9 to 16: Flight Identification (FID)
This screen will appear for 5s and will be left automatically afterwards.
2.4.2 Configure
(repeatedly) until „STBY“ appears
Press and hold ; while a counter is shown beside the active squawk,
release at values between 5 and 19
Enter Flight-Id with cursor button
and rotary knob
to save and return to STBY
Please refer to section 4.2.1 for configuration of the 24-bit Address (AA)
and Aircraft Category (AC).
Enter FID left-aligned, without any blanks or dashes(!), e.g.
12345621DEFAV for the marking D-EFAV. The last
remaining digits shall be filled with blanks