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902 MHz Wireless Relays Application Manual        B1867

B. Momentary Mode

•  Relay activates while switch is pressed (card inserted, for example) and deactivates when switch is released.
•  Optional modes: Repeater (see page 4)

Momentary Mode Link Procedure
1.  Apply power to RIB.
2.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for ½ second. LED will blink slowly.
3.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for 3 seconds until LED pattern changes to FLASH, FLASH, OFF (2 flashes).
4.  Press and release the button on the switch you are learning three times quickly.
5.  LED on RIB will stay ON for 4 seconds indicating telegram reception.
6.  To learn another switch, repeat steps 2-5.

C. Toggle Mode

•  Each press and release of the switch causes the relay to change state. 
•  Optional modes:  Repeater (see page 4)


Toggle Mode Link Procedure
1.  Apply power to RIB.
2.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for ½ second. LED will blink slowly.
3.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for 3 seconds until LED pattern changes to FLASH, FLASH, OFF (2 flashes).
4.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for 3 seconds until LED pattern changes again, to FLASH, FLASH, FLASH, OFF (3 flashes).
5.  Press and release the button on the switch you are learning three times quickly. 
6.  LED on RIB will stay ON for 4 seconds indicating telegram reception.
7.  To learn another switch, repeat steps 2-6.

page 3

Lighting Applications

Simple Lighting Control: 

RIBWxxxB-EN3 or RIBWxxC-EN3  and WWS-EN3 

A.  Rocker Mode 

•  Relay activates when Rocker ON is pressed; relay deactivates when Rocker OFF is pressed. 
•  Optional modes: Repeater (see page 4)

Rocker Mode Link Procedure
1.  Apply power to RIB.
2.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for ½ second.  LED will blink slowly.
3.  Press and release the button on the switch you are learning three times quickly.
4.  LED on RIB will stay ON for 4 seconds indicating telegram reception.
5.  To learn another switch, repeat steps 2-4.


60Hz A/C Power




Wht or Red



Occupancy Detection

A.  Manual ON–Auto OFF:  

RIB receiving from both an Occupancy Sensor and a wall switch WWS-EN3

•  Relay activates when Rocker ON is pressed. Relay deactivates when Rocker OFF is pressed or 30 minutes after last detection of Occupancy.
•  It may take up to 2 minutes for the RIB to respond to the Occupancy Sensor immediately following Link.
•  Optional modes: Repeater (see page 4)

Manual ON – Auto OFF Learn Procedure
1.  Be sure the Occupancy Sensor is charged
2.  Apply power to RIB.
3.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for ½ second.  LED will blink slowly.
4.  Trigger a Teach telegram from the Occupancy Sensor per Manufacturer’s instructions.
5.  LED on RIB will stay ON for 4 seconds acknowledging telegram reception.
6.  Press and hold LRN button on RIB for ½ second.  LED will blink slowly.
7.  Press and release rocker switch three times quickly.
8.  LED on RIB will stay ON for 4 seconds acknowledging telegram reception.
9.  To learn another switch, repeat steps 6-8.

Continued on Page 4
