On/Off Switch
Simple one touch controls – The green light above the POWER button will illuminate confirming power to the
The FA1 utilizes a variable speed blower with three speed settings. Press the up and down arrow buttons to
increase/decrease blower speed. A green light next to the specific speed (Low, Med, or High) will indicate speed
setting. In the case of a blower failure, all 3 blower speed lights will flash. To reset the blower’s internal thermal
protection, disconnect the unit momentarily from its power source and reconnect. If the lights continue to flash
contact Fumex LLC. for replacement information.
Filter monitoring
The FA1 utilizes a pressure differential switch to monitor the status of the particulate filters. The system monitors
across all filters simultaneously and the Red “FILTER” light will illuminate when one or more filters need to be
replaced. The recommended procedure is to first replace the Pre-Filter and then press the “FILTER RESET”
button. If the light remains illuminated or turns off and comes back on then replace the HEPA filter and press the
“FILTER RESET” button.
The FA1 contains a VOC sensor to detect odors/gases in the exhaust stream. When the gas/odor filter becomes
saturated and breakthrough of the VOC occurs the “GAS” warning light will illuminate.
Fumex’s FA1 air purifier features a multi-stage filtration system designed to remove a wide range of pollutants
from the process plume in an extremely efficient, cost-effective manner. The system utilizes a pressure
differential switch to indicate blocked / clogged filters. Once the warning lights illuminate, filters should be
checked and clogged filters replaced.
S T A N D A R D F I L T E R S :
Part # FA102B Pre-filter Assembly
The pre-filter assembly is the first stage in the filtration process. The assembly is composed of high capacity
merv 11 rated filter media protected by polyester pre-filter. Unique design minimizes operator/maintenance
personnel exposure to contaminants.
The unique design of the pre-filter allows the filter to be changed as a complete unit or in heavy dust applications
the polyester pre-filter can be removed independently. Contact Fumex LLC. regarding any questions/assistance.