w w w . f u l l w a t . c o m
Li-ion cylindrical rechargeable battery
2.2.7 Don’t touch the leaky battery. If the liquid leaked from the battery into the eyes, will cause serious
damage. If you come from your leaked liquid into your eyes, rinse your eyes with water immediately.
Please consult a doctor immediately. If the liquid is left in the eyes, it will cause serious damage.
2.2.8 In order to avoid short circuit or damage, please tightly put the battery into a box or carton.
2.2.9 Don’t store the cell in a pocket or a bag together with metallic objects such as keys, necklaces, hairpins,
coins, or screws.
2.3 Precautions
2.3.1 Don’t use or place batteries in high temperature environments, such as in direct sunlight. The battery
may catch fire, smoke, explode or cause heat. At the same time, may cause battery performance and
life degradation.
2.3.2 Battery pack has a protective line. Do not use batteries in places where static electricity (over 100V)
is generated, which may damage the protection circuit. If the protective line of the battery is damaged,
the battery may catch fire, smoke, explode or cause heat. Do not use Lithium ion cell with the primary
batteries or secondary batteries whose capacity or kinds or maker is different. If do that, the cell will
be discharged or charged excessively in use. And it may cause the generating heat, smoke, rupture or
flame because of the abnormal chemical reaction in cells.
2.3.3 Specified the charging temperature range. Do not charge the battery outside the specified temperature
range. Failure to do so may result in heat, leakage, or serious damage. In addition, battery performance
and life degradation may occur.
2.3 4 Please read the manual before use. Please keep this manual for future reference.
2.3.5 Please read the charging method of the charger manual.
2.3.6 In the first use, if the battery has an abnormal smell, heat or rust, please contact the supplier.
2.3.7 Keep away from flammable materials during charging and discharging. May cause fire, smoke, explosion
or cause heat.
2.3.8 If the electrolyte leaks from the battery, gets on the clothes or on the skin, rinse it immediately with water.
Otherwise it may irritate the skin.
2.3.9 If wires or metal objects come out of the battery, completely seal and insulate them. Otherwise, the
battery may cause a short circuit, fire, smoke, explosion, or cause heat.
2.3.10 After use, please carry out battery recycling according to local laws and regulations.
3. Exclusion liability
We are not liable for any loss caused by breach of notice in the specification;
We are not responsible for any problems caused by design defects in battery packs, electric cars and chargers;
We do not accept abnormal batteries caused by improper assembly.
We are not liable for any loss caused by incorrect or incongruent with the SPEC charge and discharge method
and inappropriate environment.
We are not liable for any force majeure (ex. Lightening, storm, flood, fire, earthquake, etc).
In order to standardize the use of sample batteries, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of every customer
and us are clarified. Before using the battery, please read carefully and thoroughly understand the contents
of the specification. In order to ensure the safety of the battery, please contact us to discuss design of the
application. Also, if there are special usage conditions (for example: a large current load, a quick charge
method, or a special usage pattern), please consult us before finalizing the product specification.
If you choose to use this battery, your use will be regarded as an endorsement of all the contents of this
For the sake of safety assurance, please discuss the equipment design, its system and protection circuit of
Lithium-ion cell with us in advance. And consult about the high rate current, rapid charge and special application
in the same way.