Do not operate the tool when it is directed at any person and do not pull rivets in the air.
Do not pump beyond your hand strength capability; use of two hands to complete an installation is OK
Do not exceed a maximum output load adjustment of 5500 Lbs;
Do not throw, drop or use the tool as a hammer.
Do not use the tool beyond its design intent.
Consult the tool manual before disassembly, troubleshooting or repair. It is advised that major repairs be
undertaken by personnel trained by Fastening Systems Int’l, Inc. (FSI); contact us with your training
Wear appropriate personal protection equipment when operating, repairing, or overhauling this tool.
Never use Loctite
when mounting offset or right angle pulling heads.
No component substitutions are authorized; any modification to the tool, pulling heads, accessories or
FSI supplied components shall be at the customer’s entire responsibility. FSI will be pleased to advise
on any proposed modification.
The tool must be maintained in a safe working condition at all times and examined at regular intervals.
For maintenance, place the tool in an oil pan; dispose of used fluid properly.
Avoid excessive skin contact with the fluid. Wash thoroughly after handling the fluid.
For item and part numbers, refer to the component list and exploded views on page 8.
Lever Span
Tools necessary:
5/32” hex wrench
Adjust how far the pump lever extends from the handle for a comfortable operation; thread set screw 42 in to
bring the lever closer, thread-out to increase lever distance- see picture below.
Maximum output load
Tools necessary:
5/32” wrench
This is a maximum output load adjustment; if you need a more precise adjustment contact FSI.
Thread-out the adjustment screw (33) to lower the load, thread-in to increase it;
Cautions: Do not thread out beyond flush with the pressure relief body (36) – see picture below.
Do not exceed a maximum output load adjustment of 5500 Lbs;
Use a 5/32 hex wrench
Use a 5/32 hex wrench