Safety rules
indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avo-
ided, will result in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to
the most extreme situations. This signal word is not used for property
damage hazards unless personal injury risk appropriate to this level is also
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury. This signal word is not used for
property damage hazards unless personal injury risk appropriate to this
level is also involved.
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avo-
ided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert
alert against unsafe practices that may cause property damage.
indicates a situation which implies a risk of impaired welding result
and damage to the equipment.
indicates practical hints and other useful special-information. It
is no signal word for a harmful or dangerous situation.
Whenever you see any of the symbols shown above, you must pay even
closer attention to the contents of the manual!
This equipment has been made in accordance with the state of the art and
all recognised safety rules. Nevertheless, incorrect operation or misuse may
still lead to danger for
the life and well-being of the operator or of third parties,
the equipment and other tangible assets belonging to the owner/
efficient working with the equipment.
All persons involved in any way with starting up, operating, servicing and
maintaining the equipment must
be suitably qualified
know about welding
follow exactly the instructions given in this manual and
read and follow all the instructions for other equipment that is relevant to
the welding process
The instruction manual must be kept at the machine location at all times. In
addition to the instruction manual, copies of both the generally applicable
and the local accident prevention and environmental protection rules must
be kept on hand, and of course observed in practice.
General remarks