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FS 270 series
1. Single wrapping
After the pre-set number of bottom wraps has been completed, while the
turntable is turning, the film carriage will go upwards. When the
filmcarriage has arrived on top and the pre-set number of top wraps has
been completed, the turntable will halt. De film can be cut now on
top.After pushing start again the machine restarts with the decend only
2. Double wrapping
The complete (double) wrapping program will be executed with this
function. After completing the pre-set number of bottom wraps the film
carriage will go upwards, then it halts to lay the top wraps, while the
turntable keeps turning, and then it will go downwards again.
Another number of pre-set bottom wraps is laid, after which the turntable
will halt. Now the film can be cut and the pallet can be transported.
3. Double wr TS
After the pre-set number of bottom wraps has been completed, while the
turntable is turning, the film carriage will go upwards. When the film
carriage has arrived on top it first, lays approx. 1 top wrap, move
downwards and wait until the topsheet has been laid, after puching start
the film carriage will go upwards again and wrapping in the topsheet, after
this the fimcarriage will go downwards again. Another number of pre-set
bottom wraps is laid, after which the turntable will halt. Now the film can be
cut and the pallet can be transported
4. Stiffed wrapping
The complete (double) wrapping program will be executed with this
function. After completing the pre-set number of bottom wraps the film
carriage will go upwards. At a sertain pre indicated height (adjusted with
the parameters), the filmcarrige will halt and puts extra layers of film on the
pallet then it halts to lay the top wraps, while the turntable keeps turning,
then it will go downwards again. Another number of pre-set bottom wraps
is laid, after which the turntable will halt. Now the film can be cut and the
pallet can be transported
5. Pre set height
The complete (double) wrapping program will be executed with this
function. The starting height of the filmcarrige can be adjusted by changing
the parameters on the control cabinet. After pushing start the filmwagen will
go up until the pré-installed height. Than the filmwagen will halt to give the
opportunity to fix the stretchfilm to to pallet. After pushing start again the
machine will complete the pre-set number of bottom wraps, the film
carriage will go upwards. then it halts to lay the top wraps, while the
turntable keeps turning, after this it will go downwards again. Another
number of pre-set bottom wraps is laid, at the pre fixed starting height, after
which the turntable will halt. Now the film can be cut and the pallet can be
6. Double wrapping
See program 2 with one exeption. In this program you can pre set the
disabeling Fotocel
palletheigt with by changing the parameters on the control cabinet. This
program is special made for goods wich cannot be read by the
fotoelectric sensor.
7. Customprogram
The technical service department of the supplier of the machine is abele
to make a custom specific program by changing the parameters on the
controlboard. In this way het is abele to wrap quite every pallet of goods.
Note! This can only be done by the manufacturer of the machine.