5.3.2 Solar - Temperatures
System menu
Boiler target temperature during solar charging
Up to this temperature the DHW tank is heated by the solar system If the solar panel system is equipped with
an isolating valve for switching between DHW tank and buffer solar element, then this parameter is responsible
for switching between both of these solar elements.
Temp differential to start collector pump
The collector pump activates when the collector temperature exceeds the reference temperature in the DHW
tank or buffer tank by this value.
Temp difference to stop collector pump
The collector pump switches off when the difference between the collector temperature and reference temper‐
ature in the DHW tank or buffer tank is lower than this value.
Maximum buffer tank bottom temperature during solar charging
If the sensor for the solar reference temperature in the buffer tank exceeds the specified value, the collector
pump is switched off.
NOTICE! This parameter is only relevant for systems used in conjunction with a buffer tank!
Menu overview and parameters
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