SWKI BT 102-01
Water quality for heating, steam, cooling and air conditioning
systems (Switzerland)
UNI 8065
Technical standard regulating hot water preparation.
DM 26.06.2015 (Ministerial Decree specifying the minimum
Follow the instructions of this standard and any related updates.
3.1.4 Regulations and standards for permitted fuels
1. BImSchV
First Order of the German Federal Government for the
implementation of the Federal Law on Emission Protection
(Ordinance on Small and Medium Combustion Plants) in the
version published on 26 January 2010,
BGBl. JG 2010 Part I No. 4.
EN ISO 17225-2
Solid bio-fuel - Fuel specifications and classes
Part 2: Wood pellets for use in industrial and domestic systems
Design Information
Notes on standards
Fröling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 | www.froeling.com