- The calibration values for room temperature and humidity are not
applicable to this console.
Create Wunderground Account
Register your personal Wi-fi weather station (PWS).
1 .
At https://www.wunderground.com click on the "Join" button
in the upper right corner to open the registration page. Follow the
instructions to create your account
You must check your email address before you can register your
weather station. Click "Send validation email" to receive an email
from wunderground.com containing a validation link. Click on the link
to complete the validation.
2 . Once you have created your account and completed the email
validation, please go back to the WUndergound website. Click on
the button in the top right hand corner to open the drop down menu
and select "Add Weather Station" to create your Station ID.
3 . Fix the location on the map. Enter the height above the floor of
the wireless outdoor sensor you are installing. Make a note of the
latitude/longitude value for the next step of the setup
4 . Enter a name for your PWS, and then select "Other" for "Station
Hardware". When you are finished, click "Submit".
5 . Make a note of your station ID and the station key for the further
setup step.
Create WeatherCloud account
1. go to https://weathercloud.net and go to the "Join us today"
section and then follow the instructions to create your account
2. log in to Weathercloud and then go to the Devices page, click on
"+ New" to create a new device
3. enter all information on the Create New Device page
4. Make a note of your ID and key for the next step in the setup