LISP: FRITZ!Box as a LISP Router
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable
Definition and Components
LISP: Definition
LISP: Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol
IP protocol
LISP is a protocol for the transmission of IP
IP address pair
LISP uses IP address pairs:
One IP address for identification, which is
called the EID (Endpoint Identifier). The
EID can be the IP address of a host or an
entire IP subnet.
One IP address for the location, known as
the RLOC (Routing Locator). The RLOC is
the IP address of the LISP router.
Tunnel protocol
LISP is a tunnel protocol.
A LISP packet consists of an internal IP packet
and an additional external header. The header
of the internal packet contains the EID; the ex-
ternal header contains the RLOC.