The 20mm wide risers specially developed for the APAX are grouped into three
risers and allow a variety of uses for the APAX. Only for free flight, it is fitted with
a speed system which is activated using a speed bar. The riser has a trimmer which
allows the pilot to increase the cruising speed in motorised flight and to counter
the torque effect. There is also a choice of two riser hang points to allow the best
set-up for the APAX for the particular motor system used. The brake pulley can be
moved so it can also be adjusted to the ideal position for this.
The right adjustment and setting of the speed system is very important for a
trouble-free flight. That is why you should adjust the length of the speed system
individual for you before the first flight.
The connection between foot accelerator and riser is with a special Brummel hook.
Adjust the length of the leg stretcher, that the maximum accelerated flight
condition your legs are full stretched (both pulleys of the riser lay on each other).
Otherwise it can come to fatigue phenomena. The riser has got an additional pulley
close to the hanging points. You should use them when flying the
APAX with a trike
with a high glider suspension. This ensures that the pilot can grab the break lines
at any time.
The APAX 30 is already manufactured with the correct length of the break lines.
The APAX 30 has longer break
lines. For a higher suspension
use the lower pulley.