It may take several days before the canopy has dried completely because the fibres
absorb water. Mould may form if the paramotor glider is stored wet and the fibres
may rot, particularly when it is warm. This can make the paramotor glider
unsuitable for flying within a short time. A brand-new glider will often be
compressed when delivered. This is solely for the initial delivery and the glider
should not be compressed in such a way again. Do not pack your glider too tightly
after use and, even though it is very comfortable, never sit on the backpack with
the glider inside. If salt water gets on the glider, it should be rinsed immediately
in fresh water.
Overstressing of the canopy happens because of extreme flight manoeuver, fast
descending manoeuvers (spiral dives) or forbidden aerobatics. They accelerate the
aging process. If the pilot over stresses the glider it is necessary to do the annual
check earlier than usually.
Sand and salty air accelerate the aging process of lines and canopy material very
strongly. If so you should do the annual check earlier than usually.
Temperatures under -10 °C degrees and over + 50°C (under 14 and over 122°F)
can incapacitate the glider. The warranty expires immediately as you fly the glider
out of the temperature limits
Remove sand, dirt or small stones from inside the canopy. Use only lukewarm
water and a sponge or soft cloth to clean your glider. Leave your glider to dry
naturally in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Never use abrasive
materials, solvents or detergents.
Do not ground handle or take-off on abrasive surfaces. To move the
paraglider to another spot, do not drag it across the ground. Pick it up and
carry it. Do not repeatedly inflate the glider and allow it to crash back down.
Step towards the wing as it comes down to take the force out of this action. Do
not let the leading edge crash to the ground. This stresses the seams and can
even cause the cell to explode. Do not step on the lines or the canopy, or allow
others to do so. Do not open your wing in strong winds without untangling the
lines first. Do not leave your glider out in direct sunlight longer than necessary. Do
not sit on your rucksack when your glider is packed inside. Do not pack your glider
with foreign objects inside. In particular, insects may bite through the 25 fabric or
produce acids when their bodies decompose. Always rinse your glider immediately
if it has been exposed to salt water.