Customizing your Blazer
To change the Blazer's settings, you use its configuration
menus. There are five menus of settings you can alter: Speech,
Printer, Sideways, and Service.
You may not need to change any of the Blazer's default settings
but if you do, this chapter explains how to do things like telling
the Blazer which port to use for printing, whether to activate the
speech synthesizer, and that you want to print your document
sideways on the page.
We'll explore each configuration menu in detail in separate
Printing Mode and Menu Mode
The Blazer has two modes of operation: printing mode and
menu mode. Most of the time, you're in printing mode, which
means the Blazer is ready to print a document. When you are in
menu mode, the Blazer is ready to accept your changes to its
settings for a variety of things, like its ports, its built- in speech
synthesizer, and its formatting parameters.
It's quite simple to flip between printing mode and menu mode.
Find the three-key keypad on the right side of the top of the
Blazer. Press all three keys simultaneously to toggle from one
mode to the other.
In other words, if you are in printing mode, pressing the three
keys at the same time puts you into menu mode. If you are in
menu mode, pressing the three keys at the same time returns
you to printing mode.
Ordinarily, when you're in the Blazer's menu mode, you get
feedback from the Blazer's built-in speech synthesizer. If you
also want feedback in Braille as you work through the
configuration menus, enter menu mode in the following way:
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