Freecom FSG-3 Storage Gateway
6.1.4Network Information
Both LAN and WAN (internet) Network information is found here for the FSG-
3. If you need the IP address of the FSG-3, please look for it here.
WAN Port:
Shows the active status
Hardware Address
Shows the MAC address or physical address of the port
IP Address
Your outside FSG-3 (WAN) internet IP address assigned
by your ISP
Broadcast Address
This address is used to ask all computers on a subnet at
Subnet Mask
This is the subnet mask gotten from your ISP
Cable Attached
This shows if the cable is attached or not
LAN Port:
Hardware Address
Shows the MAC address or physical address of the port
IP Address
Your inside FSG-3 (LAN) internet IP address
Broadcast Address
This address is used to ask all computers on a subnet at
Subnet Mask
This is the subnet mask you setup for your network