Never incorporate this Freecom external drive into a system that will be used to control
the following critical equipment:
Equipment directly linked to the protection of human life, including:
• Medical monitoring equipment, life support systems and equipment used in
hospital operating rooms.
• Exhaust systems used for venting poisonous gases and smoke.
• Equipment used to perform life-saving functions mandated by law, (e.g., as
required for fire-fighting under the Canadian Fire Services Act).
• Other equipment comparable to that in the examples cited above.
Equipment directly linked to the protection of human safety or affecting the
performance of a vital public safety function, such as:
• Traffic control equipment for air, railroad, highway and marine transportation.
• Equipment used in atomic power plants.
• Other equipment comparable to that in the examples cited above.
• The control of such critical equipment requires the use of specially designed
devices that employ redundant, fail-safe circuitry.
• This external drive has not been designed for those types of uses.
Safe Use of External Drive