Four-byte command (Sync, Lamp address, command, CRC). The lamp will switch on
when this code is received.
Four-byte command (Sync, Lamp address, command, CRC). The lamp will switch off
when this code is received.
Four-byte command (Sync, Lamp address, command, CRC). If fitted the lamp head 2
will switch on when this code is received.
Four-byte command (Sync, Lamp address, command, CRC). If fitted the lamp head2
will switch off when this code is received.
Five bytes (Sync, Lamp address, Pan command, Tilt command, CRC).
Drives the lamp pan and tilt motors at speeds / directions specified by the command
values. The command values are centred on a value of 128 which represents a stop
command. For the pan command, values above 128 will cause clockwise movement
with the speed increasing as the value increases to a maximum of 0xFE. Values below
128 will cause anticlockwise movement with the speed increasing as the value
reduces, maximum speed will be 01. For the tilt command, values above 128 will
cause the lamp to tilt up. The speed will increase as the value increases up to a
maximum of 0xFE. Values below 128 will cause the lamp to tilt down with the speed
increasing as the value reduces to a minimum of 01.
Note that these commands are maintained. Sending a command once will cause
motion to start at the specified speed. This will continue until a command is sent with
a zero (128) speed value.
Seven-bytes (Sync, Lamp address, Pan low, Pan high, Tilt low, Tilt high, CRC).
This commands the selected lamp to move to a given position with both pan and tilt
positions specified. The pan and tilt position value format are the same as for the
Four-byte command (Sync, Lamp address, command, CRC). When the interface
receives this command there is a 10mS delay then the interface will switch to transmit
and send 13 bytes as detailed below.
1. Sync (FF)
2. Lamp Address with bit 7 set - range 0x90-0xA8
3. Pan Position LSB (Same format as pan position command above)
4. Pan Position MSB
5. Tilt Position LSB (Same format as tilt position command above)
6. Tilt Position MSB
7. Lamp Status