Foxtech EH640 30x Optical Zoom IR Thermal Camera
User Manual
2020 FOXTECH All Rights Reserved
C. QGC Installation and Installation
Refer to corresponding GCS usage instructions
D. Mobile app installation and setup
Refer to corresponding GCS usage instructions
A. Modify IP of Pod and IDU (segment to meet videolink requirements)
Pod segment modification, take “change 42 segment to 1 segment” as an example:
1→pod electrified, and connected the pod to the computer through the wire, the pod works normally after
about 15 seconds, the computer recognizes the camera network.
2→TCPIPV4 settings, as shown below, are saved after confirmation
3. Use GCS ground station for gateway setting
Click to search device, then double-click the pop-up IP bar, save it after modification, and restart the gimbal.
Installation and setup methods of third-party videolink
192 168 42 10
255 255 255 0
192 108 42 0