Below this will be listed the drives currently installed on the system.
The top right half of the screen displays directions and comments for the user.
The bottom right half lists the command keys:
Arrows up and down are Select Keys
ESC takes the user to the previous menu
Enter selects the user
s choice
Ctrl-E exits the utility.
Create RAID Group
is used to create a new legacy RAID Set or for allocating
legacy spare drives.
Delete RAID Group
is used to delete a legacy RAID Set or to deallocate a legacy
spare drive.
Rebuild RAID 1 Set
is used to initiate the rebuild of a RAID 1 set after, for example,
a drive in the Group has been replaced.
Resolve Conflicts
is used to automatically find the member drives of a RAID set
which has been disrupted (physical drives swapped around, for example) and
restore the Set to proper operation.
Low Level Format
allows a single drive to have its data completely wiped out.
Drives assigned to Sets or allocated as spares cannot be low level formatted.
Logical Drive Info
shows the current configuration of each RAID set, allocated
spare, and unallocated physical drive attached to the SATA host adapter.