Chapter 3 BIOS Description
Boot Up Floppy Seek (Default: Disabled)
If it is set to Enabled, BIOS will activate the floppy drive during the system boot,
and the drive’s indicator will flash after the activation. The magnetic head will
move back and forth from A to B.
Boot Up NumLock Status (Default: On)
This item defines if the keyboard Num Lock key is active when your system
is started. When it is set to On, the NumLock will be activated during system
startup. When it is set to Off, users can use the number keys instead of the
arrow keys to move the cursor.
Gate A20 Option (Default: Fast)
This item is used to set up the A20 signal control necessary for access to
the 1MB memory.
Security Option (Default: Setup)
When it is set to Setup, a password is required to enter the CMOS Setup screen;
when it is set to System, a password is required not only to enter CMOS Setup,
but also to start up your PC.
APIC Mode (Default: Enabled)
This item is used to enable or disable APIC mode.
MPS Version Control For OS (Default: 1.4)
This item is used to set up the version of MPS Table used in NT4.0 OS.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB (Default: Non-OS2)
This item is only required if you have installed more than 64 MB of memory
and you are running the OS/2 operating system. Otherwise, leave this option
at the default.
Full Screen LOGO Show (Default: Enabled)
This item allows you to enable or disable the full screen logo.
Small Logo (EPA) Show (Default: Enabled)
This item allows you to enable or disable the EPA logo.