This item is used to enable or disable APIC function.
APIC interrupt subsystems can have as many IRQs as are required in a specific machine.
APICs are beneficial for the following reasons :
• APICs can contribute to resolving resource conflicts in the PC platform.
• Windows operating systems have been designed with APICs in mind.
• APICs are necessary for enabling new features in the PCI specification.
►Delay For HDD (Secs)
You can select the delay for HDD while booting. It allows you to use your system with old
fashion type IDE devices which run slowly.
► Full Screen Logo Show
This item allows you to enable or disable full screen logo show.
► Small Logo(EPA) Show
This item allows you to enable or disable the EPA logo.
CPU feature
► Delay Prior to Thermal
Some processors come with a Thermal Monitor which consists of a on-die thermal sensor and
a Thermal Control Circuit (TCC).
When the thermal sensor detects that the processor has reached its maximum safe operating
temperature, it will activate the TCC. The TCC will then modulate the clock cycles by inserting
null cycles, typically at a rate of 50-70% of the total number of clock cycles. This results in the
processor "resting" 50-70% of the time.
As the die temperature drops, the TCC will gradually reduce the number of null cycles until no
more is required to keep the die temperature below the safe point. Then the thermal sensor
turns the TCC off. This mechanism allows the processor to dynamically adjust its duty cycles
to ensure its die temperature remains within safe limits.
The Delay Prior To Thermal BIOS feature controls the activation of the Thermal Monitor's
mode. It allows you to determine when the Thermal Monitor should be activated after the
system boots. For example, with the default value of 16 Minutes, the BIOS activates the
Thermal Monitor 16 minutes after the system starts booting up.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
CPU Feature
Delay Prior to Thermal
[16 Min]
Item Help
Limit CPUID MaxVal
C1E Function
Menu Level ►
Execute Disable Bit
Virtuali�ation Technology
EIST Function
↑↓→←:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General �elp
F5: Previous Values F7: �ptimi��ed Defaults
16 Min