Parameters can be adjusted by turning the knob. Pushing the knob changes the step size between fine
and coarse. To store or recall setups, enter the menu by pushing RECALL or STORE, select the setup
and push enter.
With the help of the following figure of the internal processing in one of the two DSPs, the adjustable
parameters shall be explained briefly.
Master Gain
Function: Overall gain applied to every path.
Position: Behind the FIR filter block and PEQ bank.
Range: From -88.5 to 39.0 dB
Comments: The default maximum voltage for the AD converters is 28.5 dBu (26.6 Vpp) while the DAC
output voltage range is 18 dBu (7.94 Vpp). Thus, there is a “loss” of 10.5 dB inside the HD2. To obtain a
neutral behaviour with 0 dB gain, the master gain has to be set to 10.5 dB.
Note: From Firmware 1073 upwards, the master gain behaviour has changed. The range depends on
the selected configuration. For analog inputs, master gain ranges from -108.0 to +19.5 dB. A gain of 0
dB, then, provides neutral behaviour.
Master Delay
Function: Overall delay applied to every input
Position: After the PEQ-Bank in the input path
Range: Minimum: 0. Maximum depends on the delay used in the FIR filter and the outputs.
Comments: The delay uses a variant memory pool inside the DSP. That is, if e.g. a high master delay is
used, the maximum channel delay decreases and vice versa.
Input Gain
Function: Input specific gain. Influences input and all connected outputs
Position: After the PEQ-Bank in the input path
Range: -18 to +6 dB
Comments: In this menu, the input to be adjusted is shown on the display and indicated by a lit