With the controls in the FIR Filter groupbox, FIR filters can be downloaded, uploaded and activated.
After establishing the connection, the drop-down lists are filled with the filters present in the HD2. At the
time of writing, the filters can only be generated with the software Monkey Forest. It generates two
binary files named <filtername>.blk and <filtername>.fcs. The .fcs file contains information about the
filter to be displayed in the GUI. As soon as a filter is uploaded to the HD2, it is newly formatted to
reside in only 1 file with the suffix .fir. You can either upload the .blk file (if the corresponding .fcs file
exists in the same directory) or upload a .fir file. The maximum number of FIR filters in the HD2 is
limited to 30. It may be limited to a lower number by the flash memory size in the HD2.
Activating a FIR Filter
Clicking on a drop-down list will open the list. Clicking on a list entry will activate the filter. It will take
some time until the filter is activated since the coefficients have to be loaded from the flash memory of
the HD2 to the DSP. During switching, the DSP outputs are muted. If the Link to DSP1 switch is active,
the drop-down list for DSP2 is disabled and the selected filter is automatically set on both DSPs.
Activating the switch transfers the filter which is set in DSP1 to DSP2 automatically.
Uploading a FIR Filter
Clicking the
Upload to HD2
button opens a file select dialog. Navigate to the desired directory and
select the filter to be uploaded. As mentioned above, you can select a .blk file if the corresponding .fcs
resides in the same directory or a .fir file. After uploading the filter, it appears in the drop-down list and
can be activated.
Downloading a FIR Filter
Clicking the
Download to PC
button in the FIR filter group box opens a small filter selection dialog. After
the desired filter has been selected, a directory selection dialog comes up. The selected filter is, then,
stored as a file with the extension 'fir' in the selected directory. The file name is automatically derived
from the display name.
4.6.2 Setups
A setup contains the complete state information of the HD2. All settings like gains, delays, IIR filter,
mutes, phase inversions, etc. as well as the FIR filter are stored inside a setup file on hard disk. The
extension of setup files is 'hd2'. At the time of writing, a maximum of 30 setups can be stored inside the
flash memory of the HD2. Depending on the number of FIR filters present in the flash memory, the
number of allowed setups may be limited by the flash memory size.
Unlike FIR filters, setups have a fixed position, that is, you can store a setup at a certain location.
When a modification to the HD2 is made after a setup has been recalled, this setup is marked as
modified by an asterisk (*) behind the setup name in the
Activate Setup
drop-down box. If the user tries
to recall a different setup, a warning pops up that the current setup has been modified and must be
saved to avoid loss of the recently made settings.
Creating a new (default) setup
For making a new setup from scratch, a “blank sheet” has to be restored to work upon. This can be
done by clicking the
New (empty) Setup
button. The HD2 will, then, be loaded with default parameters
but no setup or filter is stored or changed. After the user has made the desired settings, a setup can be
stored as usual.
Storing / Creating a Setup in the HD2
After all settings are made in the HD2, the current state can be stored. For that, click the
Save Setup as
button which opens a dialog with a drop-down box where you can select the position, the setup shall
be stored to. Enter a desired name and click the
Create setup
button. After a successful operation, the