1 HD2 In- and Outputs
The full-blown HD2 provides several in- and outputs:
1. 2 dual range analog inputs (XLR) or optionally 4 single range inputs (XLR)
2. 8 analog outputs (XLR)
3. 2 digital inputs (selectable: balanced XLR or opto)
4. 2 digital outputs (balanced XLR and opto)
5. 1 Ethernet jack
6. 1 RS 232 connector
In detail
1.1 Analog Inputs
The HD2 provides 2 stereo AD converters with a maximum input voltage of 28.5 dBu.
They can be operated in stacked/dual range or unstacked/single range mode. In stacked/dual range
mode, the left and right channel of one AD converter are combined to form a dual range converter with
a higher dynamic range. The first versions of HD2 usually are set to stacked mode. In later versions,
the AD converter operation mode can be set by software.
Input jack
(stacked/dual range)
(single range)
ADC 0 stacked
ADC 0 left
ADC 0 right
ADC 1 stacked
ADC 1 left
ADC 1 right
Early versions:
Early versions have 4 input XLR jacks labelled 1/3, 2/4, 5 and 6. In the housing near the input jacks,
switches are provided to select between inputs 1 and 3 between inputs 2 and 4. In case, a 3
converter is provided, its inputs are statically connected to inputs labelled 5 and 6.
Input jack
(stacked/dual range)
(single range)
ADC 0 stacked
ADC 0 or 1 left
ADC 1 stacked
ADC 0 or 1 right
ADC 2 left
ADC 2 left
ADC2 right
ADC 2 right
1.2 Analog Outputs
The 8 analog outputs provide a dynamic range of 121 dB with a maximum output voltage of 18 dBu.
Their use is rather straight-forward. No extra configuration is necessary and no dependence on the
ADC configuration exists. The following table is valid for 2x1->4 routing with the left channel input
connected to Input A and the right channel input connected to Input C.