AAØZZ EZKeyer III 23 November 2014
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Copyright 2014 AAØZZ
Figure 7.1 – With Optional External Speaker
7.3 Installing a Knob on the Speed Pot
Install the knob on the speed pot shaft.
7.4 Quick test before using
Before the memories are loaded, lightly tap pushbutton #1. You should hear a Morse “1” from the on-
board speaker. Pressing pushbutton #2 should return a “2”, and pushbutton #3 should return a “3”.
Then plug in a paddle and send a little code. If you can hear the code you are sending, all should be
7.5 Getting familiar with the EZKeyer III
The default speed is 15 wpm to enable most ops to begin using the commands easily. Set the speed
where you like it using the “S” command (see next page) if the speed pot is inactive or via the speed
pot if it is active and send some code to get the feel of the keyer and the default settings. The iambic
routines are smooth with a good “feel”, and entering commands quickly becomes second nature. Go
through the command list, entering each command. This will familiarize you with the procedure and
features and it only takes a few minutes.
Note: Holding pushbutton #1 down while powering up will cause the keyer to output the software
version in Morse code. Holding pushbutton #2 down while powering up will cause the keyer to restore
all internal settings to the default settings.
For practice, load the memory for message #1 with a simple message. It’s very easy and when the
message is sent it always goes out as perfect code. For example:
Press and hold pushbutton #1. Wait for “R” and release.
Send “1” (for memory #1) and wait for a beep
Send “C” and wait for a beep
send “Q” and wait for a beep
Wait for another beep(enters a space)