F3B3X Series Router User Manual
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.
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This part is for limit data stream to access the Internet via the link (main link or backup link).
When data stream is compliance with the rules in the list, it will access the Internet by setted link,
if the link does not exist, data stream will be accessed by another link
When a data stream conforms to the rule, it will use specified link of last rule.
When you enable load balancer function, data streams that corresponding to shunt list rules still
access the Internet according to the links of the list rules, regardless of the proportion of data
Load Balancer
Assuming that the bandwidth of main and backup links were Akbps with Bkps.
When load balancer is disabled, and data streams do not comply with shunt list, then it will only
use main link to access the Internet. Only when main link is down, will it use backup link.
When enable load balancer, data streams that do not meet the shunt list will use main and backup
link. If the ratio is A: B (recommended ratio), then total bandwidth is (A + B) kbps. If it is A: 0,
the data will only use main link, total bandwidth remains A kbp; if it is 0: B, the data will only use
backup link, total bandwidth is B kbp.
When you select 'Relative' way, the unit of load balancer is socket connection, a socket
connection fixed using a link.
When selecting "absolute" mode, the unit of load balancer is data packet, the device receives 1st
data, main link will be used, 2nd data using backup link, 3rd data using main link, 4th data using
backup link, cycle in this order.
fill in the proportion of two co-prime integers, and the smaller for both value, the better.
Assume that main link was 390kbp, backup link was 130kbp, then recommended ratio is 3:1,
instead of 390:130 or 39:13 and others. If main and backup link is 400kbps and 130kbps, best
ratio is 40:13. You had better further divide it to achieve the best result, rough ratio is 3.07:1, can
get the ratio as 3:1.
Check all values and click
Save Settings
to save your settings. Click the
Cancel changes
to cancel your unsaved changes.