Foscam Digital Technologies LLC
Telephone: 1-800-930-0949
Figure 2.4
Figure 2.5
Step 2:
Modify the Http Port and enter the username and password of the Administrator , and click “OK” to
apply changes.
Step 3:
Wait around 10 seconds, you’ll see that the camera’s LAN IP address has changed. Also, the LAN IP
address is now fixed at a static IP address of This IP address will not change even if
the camera is powered off and back on, the camera will remain on this LAN IP address. This is very important
that a static LAN IP address is set, or you may have problems later with remote access and seeing the camera
remotely if the camera loses power and reconnects on a different LAN IP address. Make sure you set a static
LAN IP address!
Figure 2.6
What is Port forwarding?
Select which camera
you’d like to change the
port for, and right click .
Modify the Http Port.
Enter the Username and
password, click OK .