Foscam Digital Technologies LLC
Telephone: 1-800-930-0949
4.2 Device Status
Device Status contains four columns: Device Information, Device Status, Session Status and Log, it will show
you various information about your camera.
4.2.1 Device Information
Figure 4.2
Camera Model
: Display the model of the camera.
Camera Name:
The Device Name is a unique name that you can give to your device to help you identify it.
Click Basic Settings and go to Device Name panel where you can change your camera name. The default
device name is anonymous.
Camera ID:
Display the MAC address of your camera. For example Device ID is 008414350787, the same
MAC ID sticker is found at the bottom of the camera.
Camera Time:
The system time of the device. Click
Basic Settings
and go to
Camera Time
panel and adjust
the time.
System Firmware version:
Display the System Firmware version of your camera.
App Firmware version:
Display the application firmware version of your camera.
Plug-in version:
Display the plug-in version of your camera
4.2.2 Device Status
On this page you can see device status such as Alarm status, NTP/DDNS status, WIFI status and so on.
Figure 4.3